We are all called to something, but what exactly are we called to? This is somewhat of a trick question because I believe we are not called to a thing, but rather a person. It may sound crazy but I swear we are all called to the same person. That person is Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ was born over 2000 years ago in the Middle East. We see through the biblical text that at age 12 He was called to finish his Father's work. Jesus' mission was to reconcile all creation back to God. Through His birth, life, death, and resurrection He fulfilled everything the scriptures prophesied.

Once again I am going to make another radical claim; we are also called to reconcile creation specifically human beings to God so we can realize our purpose. On top of that the instant our relationship with the Father is restored we are apart of His family and we get to enjoy Him forever. Unfortunately we don't always honor God, but luckily we have Jesus as a constant example showing us how to live our daily lives.

The first thing we must do to be friends or as Jesus called his followers "disciples", is be with Jesus. We are able to be with Him through His Holy Spirit. Our primary goal as followers of Jesus is learning to live in a constant state of connection to the Spirit. Secondly we must become like Jesus. He is the vine and we are the branches; abide in Him. Invite Jesus into every moment of our daily life. Lastly we must do what Jesus did. As we are permeated by his character traits we will be transformed from the inside out. Just like a young boy mimics his father, Jesus mirrored God the Father. Everything we do should be in accordance with Jesus.

I conclude by quoting John 20:21, "Peace be with You! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." We are sent as representatives of Christ to the world so that we can make the Father known. We are sent to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are sent to love others and help one another find purpose. I know it seems to be circular reasoning, but the argument is logically valid because as we practice the way we know that Jesus is the Truth. And if the premises are true, then then conclusion must be true also. I hope this helps you in your quest to find purpose. I pray this guides you closer to your calling. And I have faith that Jesus is on mission with all of us as we are sent out into the world.

In God's love,

- TC